Ariana Grande Fragrances
Ariana Grande has 10 perfumes currently. The earliest edition, Ari, was created in 2015 and the newest in 2023. Ariana Grande fragrances were made in collaboration with perfumers Clement Gavarry and Jerome Epinettee. Ariana Grande is an American actress and singer who started her career in a musical on Broadway, before landing the role in the TV series "Victorious" on the Nickelodeon channel. Her first album "Yours Truly" came out in 2013.
"If we give a little love, maybe we can change the world." Ariana Grande has a special place in her heart for fragrances, and her fans. And she has been very involved in the actual development of each perfume. Be happy with being you. Love your flaws. Own your quirks. And know that you are just as perfect as anyone else, exactly as you are." Ariana Grande